The actual story about God, Adam and Eve, Christ and the tree in the Garden of Eden.
And they brought Adam into the shadow of death
in order that they might form him again,
but from earth and water and fire and spirit (their own),
that is from matter and darkness.
And he became a mortal man.
This is the first one who came down.
And God took Adam
and placed him in paradise
of which he used to say,
Let it be Adams delight,
but really in order to deceive him.
For their food was bitter,
and their beauty was depraved.
Their delight is deception,
and their tree is godlessness.
Their fruit is an incurable poison,
and their promise is death for him.
As for their tree, which they planted (lying to Adam),
it is the Tree of Life,
I shall teach you
about the mystery of their Life.
It is their counterfeit spirit,
from within them, in order to lead him (Adam) astray,
so that he might not know his perfection.
That tree is of this sort:
Its root is bitter,
and its branches are shadows of death,
and its leaves are hatred and deception
and its perfume is an ointment of evil.
and its fruit is the desire of death,
and its seed drinks ever from darkness.
Those who taste it. Hell is their dwelling place.
And the darkness is their place of rest.
But what THEY call,
"The tree of knowledge of good and evil",
about whom they gave the commandment
not to taste it.
"But it was I who influenced them so that they ate."
I said to him,
"Christ , was it not the serpent that taught them to eat?"
