The actual story of Noah.
This time God plotted to bring a flood
upon the Humankind.
But Noah was informed,
and he preached to all the offspring
which are the sons of men.
But those who were strangers to him did not listen to him.
It is not as Moses said,
'They hid themselves in an ark.'
but they hid themselves in a place,
not only Noah
but also many other people.
God had brought darkness
upon the whole earth.
And he made a plan with his powers.
He sent his angels to the daughters of men,
that they might take some of them for themselves
and raise offspring for their enjoyment.
And at first they did not succeed.
When they did not succeed,
they gathered together again
and made a plan together.
They created a despicable spirit,
so as to pollute the souls through it.
And the angels changed themselves in their likeness
into the likeness of the daughters of men,
filling them with the spirit of darkness,
which they had mixed for them and with evil.
They brought gold and silver and other gifts,
and copper and iron and metal
and all kinds of things.
And they steered the people who had followed them
into great troubles,
by leading them astray with many deceptions.
The people became old without having enjoyment.
They died, not having found truth
and without knowing the truth.
And thus
the whole creation became enslaved forever,
from the foundation of the world to current day.
And they took women
and begot children out of the darkness
according to the likeness of their spirit .
And they closed their hearts, and they hardened themselves
through the hardness of the despicable spirit
until now.
