The actual story of God
And he placed seven kings,
each corresponding to the firmaments of heaven
over the seven heavens,
and five over the depth of the abyss, that they may reign.
And he shared his fire with them,
but he did not send forth any of the power of the light
which he had taken from his creator,
for he is ignorant darkness.
And when the light had mixed with the darkness,
it caused the darkness to shine.
And when the darkness had mixed with the light,
it darkened the light
and it became neither light nor dark,
but it became dim.
Now the God - who is weak has three names:
His first name is ... ,
His second name is ...,
and His third name is Samael.
And he is impious
in his arrogance which is in him.
For he said, Ί am God
and there is no other God beside me,'
for he is ignorant of his strength, the place from which he had come.
And when he saw the creation which surrounds him
and the multitude of the angels around him
which had come forth from him, he said to them,
Ί am a jealous God
and there is no other God beside me.'
But by announcing this,
he indicated to the angels who attended him
that there exists another God.
For if there were no other one,
of whom would he be jealous?
Then his creator began
to move to and fro.
It became aware of the deficiency
when the brightness of Its light diminished.
And It became dark.
