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The Bible says Jesus is Lucifer

Todays topic is about how the NIV and most of the other

Bible versions teach that Jesus Christ is Satan. Yes it's true

and I'll show you first of all the King

James Version - the real Bible, the

inspired preserved Word of God, teaches

that Lucifer is Satan who fell from

heaven in Isaiah 14 in verses 12 through

15. It says: How art thou fallen from

heaven o Lucifer son of the morning, how

art thou cut down to the ground which

didst weaken the nation's for thou hast

said in thein heart I will ascend into

heaven, I will exalt my throne above the

stars of God. I will sit also

upon the Mount of the congregation,

in the sides of the north. I will ascend

above the heights of the clouds. I will

be like the Most High. Yet thou shalt be

brought down to hell to the sides of the


Pretty clear here who is being

spoken of: Lucifer was the

angel that fell from heaven and Jesus

identifies Lucifer as Satan in Luke 10

and verse 18. It says: and he said unto

them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall

from heaven. So the King James Bible

teaches that it was Satan - Lucifer that

fell from heaven and the King James Bible also

teaches that Jesus Christ is the morning

star in the day star. Revelation 22 and

verse 16: I Jesus have sent mine angel to

testify unto you these things in the

churches. I am the root in the offspring

of David and the bright and Morning Star.

Remember that, Jesus Christ is the

morning star. Just remember. 2nd Peter, 1

and verse 19, in the King James Bible: We also

have a more sure word of prophecy where

until you do well that you take heed as

unto a light that shineth in a dark

place until the day dawn and the day

star arise in your hearts. You can look

at the context that's talking about the

Lord Jesus Christ called the day star.

Now the NIV teaches that Jesus Christ is Satan!

Let me show it to you. In Isaiah 14 in verse 12 the verse

we just read in the KJV a little while ago

it says: How art thou fallen from heaven

Morningstar, son of the dawn, you have

been cast down to the earth, you who once

laid low the nation's. So the NIV

says that it was the morning star that fell from heaven.

Now let's do some comparative study in

in revelation 22 and verse 16. I Jesus have set my

angel to give you this testimony for the

churches. I am the root in the offspring

of David, the bright morning star. So the

Bible tells us to compare spiritual

things with spiritual. So we

compare Scripture and we see in Isaiah

it says that the morning star fell from

heaven who is clearly Satan and then in

Revelation 22 it says that Jesus Christ

is the morning star. So put it together

Jesus Christ is Lucifer who fell from

heaven according to NIV. The ESV basically teaches the same

thing in Isaiah 14 in verse 12, it says:

How you are fallen from heaven, o Daystar,

son of dawn! How are you cut down to the

ground, you who laid the nation's low.

remember what the King James Bible says. Remember

when it calls Jesus Christ the Daystar

in 2nd Peter 1, verse 19. The ESV

teaches that Satan is called the

Daystar there in Isaiah 14, verse 12.

In revelation 22 and verse 16 it says

similar to the KJV: I Jesus have sent

mine angel and there he says at the end

the bright morning star. So the

ESV says that Jesus is the morning star

and then it says that Satan is the

Daystar, son of the dawn. Dawn/morning/

morning star. Get it? And furthermore the

King James Bible names Jesus the day star the

ESV names Satan the day star.

the Alexandrian Bible says in

Isaiah 14 and verse 12: How you are

fallen from heaven, o son of the Morning,

Sun of the dawn,

you have been cut down to the earth, you

have weakened the nation's so the Alexandrian Bible

says that Satan who fell from heaven is

the star of the morning, or the morning

star. Let's do some comparative

scripture reading with the Alexandrian Bible

and we see there in revelation 22,

verse 16: I Jesus have sent my angel to

testify to you these things for the

churches. I am the root and the

descendant of David, the bright morning

star so the Alexandrian Bible

says that Jesus Christ the

morning star was Satan, who fell from

heaven. You see that when you compare the

scripture? the NLT teaches in Isaiah 14

and verse 12: How are you fallen from heaven, Oh

shining stars, Sun of the morning, you

have been thrown down to the earth, you

have destroyed the nations of the world.

And then when we look in that same

Bible book, the NLT in revelation 22,

verse 16 says: I Jesus have sent mine

angel to give you this message for the

church, as I am both the source of David

and the heir to his throne. I am the

bright morning star. So in Isaiah 14:12

it says that Satan is the shining

star, the Sun of the morning. In other

words the morning star, when we look over to

Revelation, says - Jesus is the morning

star. Put it together: Jesus is Satan who

fell from heaven in all these Bible books.

3,248 views9 comments


Jun 08, 2022

partially right, just incomplete.... the answers are found in the nag hammandi text. Jesus aka Luci aka Skalas aka Yaldaboth, came to redeem the world for the sins it mistakenly created. It in its ignorance to try to create man without his counterpart, Love or Sophia... just as Luci was born through ignorance of Sophia / barbelo aka to create an entity without permission and guidance from the ALL (yes his lover is also his mother. Luci and Satan are not the same, though there is evidence in the bible that the are, imagine how mistranslated the bible has become since the printing press and prior. Luci, when born, thought he was the only god, and that he had create…


Apr 07, 2022

Lucifer is prometheus, enki, melek taus aka the luminefarious ether that manifested into reality. Lucifer is the true creator of mankind and Jesus is his son. Jehovah is the true devil that brings calamity and destruction.

Jan 03, 2023
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keep on thinking that, and good luck.... loll


Mar 31, 2022

the Freemasons / Illuminati wrote the bible. and now they’re using technology to bring the book of revelations to life so they can depopulate and have their one government, on religion new world order. they’ve already got a hologram of the Antichrist. They are setting up 5G to go with all the microchips / metal in the vaccines for the rapture (5G and 60ghz breaks oxygen atoms. They’re using HAARP to get engineer the weather to cause famine and floods.

they want to split up Russia to be puppet states so they can attack China. tou can apply the same Freemason numbers to the bible and find it’s the same thing. the Washington DCmonument is 6660inches tall. The whole city…

May 21, 2022
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why Are you even on this page. Shouldn’t you be praying to Satan?



Archie Taylor
Archie Taylor
Feb 13, 2022

This page tells the Truth!!

They had an audience hall that resembles a snake built & they speak out of the mouth of it. They have a telescope called lucifer. Let's not forget the baphomet worshiping knights templar. Jeremiah. 44.15-23. (Read 'h' in the little book of Geneva 1560 Bible)& Jeremiah.7.17-18. 2. Kings 23.5. Full of Idolatry!!!Rev 17.4.



Jan 07, 2022

This is wrong. luficer is latin, meaning light bringer, and is associated with venus, the brightest "star" in the sky before dawn. luficer, morning star, dawn star, etc are all just phrases uses to describe many people in the bible, including jesus, satan, and kings of babylon.

Mar 16, 2022
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Titus son of God,Book of Titus second coming,Titus levelled Jerusalem and destroyed Solomon's temple, crucified the Jews,Lucifer/Jesus was crucified there,why Jesus/Lucifer is on a cross,I bet some bright spark thinks House of David is above house of God, unbelievable how thick most Christians are.

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