Vatican Necropolis - Temple of Satan
Updated: Feb 5, 2021
Taking a tour underneath the Vatican. As we arrive underneath the Vatican we can see it is laid out in a number of rooms marked by letters. Now we will be exploring some of the rooms on this map.

Lets start out by looking into room C.

As we look into the room we can see this is a mausoleum of Lucius Tullius Zethus. The Vatican goes on and explains that this room was used for offerings for the dead.

We can read: View of the north wall and mosaic floor, there are eight marble squares with circular holes through which the offerings to the dead were poured during the funeral rites carried out in the burial chamber.

So here we have a room where offerings go to the dead. That is pretty common in Catholicism.

Now lets look into next room - room E.

So here in this room they have a vase that has an image of Medusa. So here underneath the Vatican they have a Medusa. This is a vase that could be removed easily yet it is kept underneath the Vatican. If you think the Vatican was a holy church they would have removed that. People would think underneath the Vatican they would have things that are sacred, and not foreign Gods.

As we move down further - to room H. Here we can see that this is one of the largest and most luxorious mausoleums in Vatican, in St Peters basilica.

It is said it was built at the beginning of the second half of the 2-nd century, during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius and belonged to a freedman of important Valeri family.

As we are in this mausoleum we can see there is lots of false Idols. And on the wall depiction of creature with horns. Vatican keeps these down at St Peters Basilica. You would think if they were the "good Christians" they would want to clean all this out. Can not imagine that anyone who has a true church would keep false idols in their churches. Especially Pagan idols.

What do you think they do in these chambers underneath the Vatican? They worship these false idols. If it was a true church it would not be doing it for the sake of art, especially with all the evil things that are happening in the Vatican. It was this man who said there is Satan in Vatican, evil exists and it is very real.

The hypocracy of all this is that they have all this evil images and idols at the same time down at St Peters Basilica. We also see in the same room two Geniuses with bat wings portrayed on the walls.

Again this is supposed to be a "holy church" , a "holy place". The basilica dates from the 4th century so this has been there for a very long time.
As we move on to the next room - room I.

The details of mosaic floor with Mercury an Plutos chariot. They say that this is the explicit reference to the overcoming of death and the return of the afterlife. They describe it as a splendid mosaic floor where Mercury is depicted carrying the caduceus (note: rod with Serpent heads) and with wings at his ankles, walking in front and a chariot carrying Pluto and his wife Persephone. So here we have all those other Gods underneath the Vatican.

Here is next room - room M. Here you can see Jesus Christ dressed as Sun God. Sun worshipping is known for a long time as one of the main practices in Paganism.

Now lets move on into room U. Here we find the ultimate truth of what this religion actually worships.

Here on the wall it says there is a depiction of Lucifer, that is the Light bearer, the morning star. On the opposite wall there is a drawing of Vesper, the evening star, cosmic symbols of the human life cycle.

We find out that when we get to room U there is a clear depiction of LUCIFER! Unerneath the Vatican.
( For remindance:
Isaiah 14:12, NIV:
How you have fallen from heaven,
morning star, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth,
you who once laid low the nations!
Isaiah 14:12, KJV:
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations.
Revelation 12:9, KJV:
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. )
You would ask yourself why would they keep the depiction of Lucifer/Satan underneath the Vatican. If you were a good religion you would not want to have these images. They there might try to excuse it with "oh we are saving it because it is a Unesco heritage site". This is always their excuse, saving it for the sake of art. Or some of their "interpretations". When it comes to that - trust your eyes. They show you what is.
Here is to mention also that there are numerous videos of people saying that they were taken underneath the Vatican for some sort of strange cultic rituals. And usually they were children that were brought into those rooms. And its pretty unspeakable what they do in those rooms.
Those rooms are just the ones that were made public, that we know about. There might actually be other ones, as well that are there in Vatican, that are even more vile, even worse.
We know that the reason why they are keeping these there now is that they want people to see it, to see what their religion is all about. For the masses who believe that Christianity is a pure religion, they dont mind deceiving them into believing that they are a good religion. When you go down to St Peters Basilica, down to the next rooms they will try to convince you on this tour that you take, that Peter is buried down there and this gives credence to following the Pope. The question is why would you want to follow the Pope
who has such evil things in his church.